Everybody loves music, but music is especially awesome performed live. Our stage is the perfect place for acoustic artists to showcase their talents. We have live music every weekend - on Fridays and Saturdays in the evenings.
In terms of midweek music, you can catch local musician Jim Kaeli here on his keyboard every Tuesday afternoon (beginning at 3pm). Plus about once a month we feature a special midweek music event for singer-songwriters to showcase their original songs. Follow us on social media to stay informed on when the next midweek music event will be!
If you’re interested in getting on our calendar for performing, please consider the following…
What we love.
We LOVE acoustic music that can entertain our guests while still giving them the ability to have conversation without having to shout into each others’ ears.
We LOVE original music and singer-songwriters! Don’t be bashful! We want to hear songs we’ve never heard, and we love to hear original takes on familiar songs. We want to see our stage used by creative musicians/artists!
We LOVE Folk, Blues, Americana, Bluegrass, Irish, string bands and all sorts of music and songs that have those influences.

Our taproom is not ideal for “rock” bands with full drum sets, electric guitars, and large speakers/amps.
It’s difficult for our bartenders to best serve our guests when the music venue becomes a concert venue. Our space is first and foremost a social gathering place for our community and visitors from outside our area. When the music is too loud, everything else seems to break down. We appreciate musicians/bands that work with us and who understand our expectations.
Get in touch.
If you’d like to be booked to perform at EBC, use the contact form here or send us a direct message on social media. Please include links/attachments of your music, so we can check you out before looking at the calendar for availability. We look forward to hearing from you!